Are you Neurodivergent and experiencing High Levels of Stress, Feeling Lonely, or a Lack of Motivation and Fulfillment?

You Are Not Alone.

I've faced my own struggles and through decades of exploration and education, I've found numerous valuable strategies that I would love to explore with you.

With curiosity, compassion, and competence I deeply respect each client's unique perspective and meet you where you are at so that you feel seen, heard, and valued.

Together, we explore your desires, obstacles, and create sustainable plans to embrace a life you love.

Your healing journey is not just about you, it benefits more people than you will ever know.

The transformation of a more just and peaceful society relies on all of us. When some people "lose" and don't embrace their potential, we all suffer. If we lack the courage to embark on our journey, we leave a void where our piece of the puzzle could have fit, to the detriment of both the collective and ourselves.

I help high achieving neurodivergent individuals manage stress and anxiety, rediscover joy in daily life, and build confidence for a more enriched and inspired existence.

Neurodivergent describes individuals whose neurological development and functioning are atypical, encompassing conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Complex PTSD, and other cognitive and learning differences.

It recognizes that there is no single "normal" way for brains to function and values diversity in cognitive and behavioral traits. The term emphasizes understanding and respecting these differences rather than viewing them as deficits.

  • Education/Professional

    Mental Health Counselor Associate MC61462798

    2023 | University of Puget Sound Graduate M.Ed. Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling

    2023 | Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Member

    2023 | Speaker at Washington Association for School Counselors Conference and Toronto Serious Play Conference

    2018 | South Sound Business 40 under 40

  • Continuing Education

    2024 | 30- Hour Trauma Informed Creative Arts Therapy Certificate*

    2024 | 9-Hour Intro into Depth Psychology

    2024 | 24-Hour Certified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Professional (C-DBT)*

    2024 | 30-Hour ADHD Clinical Services Provider (ADHD-CCSP) Certificate*

    2024 | 36-Hour Geek Therapeutics Game Master Certificate

    2024 | 2-Hour Binge Eating Course

    2023 | 12-Hour DBT Skills for Adolescents and Families Online Training

    2023 | 12-Hour Game to Grow Method of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games Certificate

    2021 | 60-Hour Crisis Line Training

    2013 | 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

    *In Progress

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor Frankl